One Website - per page: US$ 260 
(only design)
Simple Landing page: US$ 200 
(only design)
Design Eccomerce Web site: US$ 1,000 ~ 
(under complexity evaluation - only design)
Mobile Wireframe - per page: US$ 60 
(only design)
Mobile design - per page: US$ 200 
(only design)
Mobile design adaptation - per page: US$ 150 
(Web to Mobile or Mobile to Web)
 Web/Mobile prototipation - per page: US$ 60 
Web banner: US$ 70 
Animated Web banner: US$ 80 
(gif style)
Email Newsletter / Newsletter Template: US$ 200 
​​​​​​​Full Infographic page: US$ 150 ~ 
(under complexity evaluation)
Psiu App
Psiu App
App Type
App Type
Os 16 Tipos
Os 16 Tipos
Sustainable Services International
Sustainable Services International

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